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Conferencia de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica de Venta a Red en Reino Unido.

22-2-10. Carlos Mateu
lunes, 22 febrero 2010.
Carlos Mateu
Conferencia de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica de Venta a Red en Reino Unido.
Suelo Solar colabora con SolarPlaza en la difusión de la Conferencia de Energía solar Fotovoltaica de venta a red que se celebrará el próximo día 22 de junio en Reino Unido.

Tras dar a conocer la noticia de que Reino Unido se sube a la Fotovoltaica de venta a red, Suelo Solar está colaborando con SolarPlaza en la difusión de la Conferencia de Energía solar fotovoltaica de venta a Red en Reino Unido.

Este evento servirá para discutir los detalles de los nuevos feed-in tariff, explorar las nuevas oportunidades de mercado y ofrecerá una plataforma ideal para reunirse y conocer posibles colaborades de negocio en Reino Unido.

La conferencia, irá dirigida principalmente a importantes ejecutivos, directivos británicos e internacionales  así como a entidades financieras, en la que se les explicará y convencerá de las oportunidades que les brinda el sector de la energía solar fotovoltaica.


Meet the solar-industry in the UK. Experts, entrepreneurs, installators, banks, government and the team of Meet, connect and expand your network.
Why solar-energy (PV) is important for the UK. About international trends, the local PV market, the technique, the local initiatives and projects. See the programme for more information.
A day full of inspiration, challenges and stories. Listen to trendsetters and visionairs. For more information and registration; click here.
The UK PV Conference
New Feed-In-Tariffs in the UK
Where are the opportunities for the PV industry? How will the PV market in the UK develop over the next three years?
The UK PV Conference is set up to kick-start the newly developing market for Solar PV in the UK after the introduction of feed-in-tariffs by the UK government
Hear presentations and discuss with UK law makers, regulators, industry experts, financiers and other major stakeholders in a market set for growth.
- Are you looking for a new market opportunity?
- Is the UK the next interesting new market to expand into?
- Are you looking for a partner to help you expand into the UK Solar market?
- Are you based in the UK looking to expand your business into solar?
- Are you already an active player in the UK Solar industry?
- Are you looking to understand where the opportunities in your home market are going to be in the next couple of years?
- Are you looking to benefit from the experience made in other European markets already?

Get the knowledge and insights on issues particular to the UK market in this one-day-conference!

This conference will provide an overview on where the opportunities are and which segments of the market are most likely to benefit in the short term. Conference participants will learn what the conditions for the development of large scale solar projects are like in the UK. Furthermore this event will allow insights into the question which business models are most likely to benefit from the improved framework conditions for solar in the UK.

Si deseas asistir  a la Conferencia Solar Fotovoltaica del próximo día 22 de junio de 2010, cumplimenta la siguiente tabla de recogida de datos y te enviaremos por e-mail completa información, con Bono de Descuento para asistencia y Paquetes de Esponsorización de este evento para los lectores de SueloSolar en este evento con el que colaboramos. En el precio esta incluido el almuerzo, las bebidas, y copia de las presentaciones que se expondrán en el evento. 
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0.0000   €/MWh
