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anuncio solar


1-3-12. London Metropolitan University’s team
jueves, 1 marzo 2012.
London Metropolitan University’s team
Constructed from innovative, lightweight materials, this striking home has been designed to be adaptable to any environment, shilst mantaining its sharp architectural status.

HelioMet has brought together a group of enthusiastic and dedicated students to design adn build a sustainable house powered enterely by the sun. Using te latest techiques in digital design and innovative manufacturing, this energy efficient home will demonstrate new possibilities in sustainable urban living, it is called SunBloc.

 Using te latest in solar technology and parametric design, the building is able to draw all of its power from the sun and will have the capabilitiy to poser surrounding buildings.

SunBloc can be seen as a fresh approach to sustainable urban development, by utilising unused areas of the city. For example, given its lightweight and durable properties, a London rooftop could be an ideal location, powering the building it hosts.

Adding to SunBloc's adaptibility, is its PassivHaus properties. This allows the home to reduce heat loss and energy consumption to an absolute minimum.

The interior is a fluid, sonsuous environment designed around the individual. Furniture and utilities are integrated into the house desingn, to create a highly bespoke interior that can be tailored to anybody's specific needs.

With a streamlined manufacturing process, the house can easily be transformed from a compact studio apartment to a family home.


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0.1046   €/MWh
