Solicitar presupuesto Autoconsumo
Puntos de acceso disponibles para conexión


1-3-12. EHU TEAM
jueves, 1 marzo 2012.
The proposal, called eki, has as a priority to improve the quality life in architecture, understood as a synthesis of a broader concept that relates the society and environment with the sustainability.


Their actions are aimed to satisfy the user requirements, understood as individual persons instead of an abstract group, with their requirements, wishes and problems that building activity should respond with the general and specific technological means.

The project links the presented sponsorships, which have participated between them along the time in common actions, in a common project which coordinate education, investigation, professional and economic activity. To create a network of knowledge and action to develop proposals in the field of accessible, ergonomic, efficiency and intelligent architecture.

The finality of the project is design an industrial, sustainable and environmental respectful urban house, which support a high life quality to their users by a collaborative process that understand the design, build and construction process.


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0.0381   €/MWh
